Monday, May 28, 2007

2nd Chances!

Ta daa!!! After much encouraging from my friend Stephanie, I finally started a blog...or should I say re-started a blog. I actually started a blog two years ago when I moved to Dallas as a way to keep up with my friends back home, but.....i quickly forgot i had even created a blog and after about 3 sentences it all ended. (Seriously, if you want to check out the old blog for a little laugh

I'm all about 2nd chances (i won't get into the spiritual metaphor right now), so here is my official 2nd chance to make something of the blog world. I really can't believe it and already have bets going with myself as to how long this will last! The original plan was to begin the blog in Montana during my two-day adventure in Yellowstone (you need something really exciting to write about in my first blog...right?). But, for some reason being on a computer in the middle of God's AMAZING creation just didn't seem right. So, although sitting in my living room isn't quite as exciting as sitting at the top of a mountain, it will have to do.

So....welcome to my world! Let's all pray this blog doesn't go down like the first!


stephanie said...

I am soooo excited to read about your 'musings'...haha

Let's see some pictures from Montana!!!!

Claire Walker said...

Bring it on Anne!!!!

stephanie said...

one more thing....
I just read the title of your 'other' blog and it totally made me think of "Blog, what's a blog"?

Nichole said...

Woo hoo! I am so stinkin' excited about actually getting to hear what goes on in that head of yours. :)

melissaj said...

I can't wait Anne...let the blogging begin